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LastPass’s Password[less] Journey Continues With FIDO2 Compatibility

Emily CaloPublishedAugust 09, 2023
LastPass’s Password[less] Journey Continues With FIDO2 Compatibility

Last summer we announced passwordless login to the LastPass vault through the LastPass Authenticator for individuals and businesses, followed by passwordless login on mobile using biometrics. Today, our journey to passwordless continues with FIDO2 compatible authenticators as additional options to passwordlessly login to the LastPass vault on desktop.

Whether you use LastPass to keep your personal or professional credentials safe, let’s take a quick look back at LastPass’s first steps in our password[less] journey and explore what FIDO2 compatibility means for your vault access.

Taking one small step toward passwordless

In June 2022, we launched the LastPass Authenticator as our first passwordless login option. By pairing your LastPass Authenticator to your LastPass vault, you can enjoy one-tap login that’s password-free, which means no more typing out your master password to access your desktop vault.

But this was just the first step.

Now, in addition to LastPass Authenticator, all users can choose from an array of FIDO2 compatible authenticators for a passwordless login to their vault -- which include biometrics and hardware keys.

It’s your journey, too – choose your type of passwordless login

With FIDO2 compatible authenticators, you can now choose how you want to authenticate, removing the master password from your typical login process.

Besides your LastPass Authenticator, passwordless login to your vault on desktop devices can be accessed through:

  • Any FIDO2 compatible biometrics (face or fingerprint ID), like Windows Hello
  • Any FIDO2 compatible hardware key, like Yubi-Key or Feitian Keys

FIDO2 compatible authentication mechanisms use WebAuthN protocol, the leading passwordless security standard, so you can rest assured your login is secure. With FIDO2 Authenticators, LastPass Free, Premium, Families, Teams and Business customers will have more options when it comes to setting up passwordless login to the vault on desktop browsers and Chrome and Firefox extensions, Safari browser extension and desktop application support is coming soon. 

The passwordless equation. Less friction=more security

With passwordless login, you’ll immediately reduce password-related friction by simply approving a push notification, scanning your face or finger, or using a hardware key to login to your vault.

So, what do you gain when you take away a password?

Reducing the frequency of password use provides greater protection from hackers and bad actors. And given that 62% of people use the same password or a variation, less password usage really does mean better security.

Getting into your vault has never been easier, so, naturally you’ll use it more. And this translates to better password hygiene for you. If you’re using passwordless login for your business, this means higher adoption and less cyber risk to your company data.

And how many hours have you lost resetting your passwords after being locked out? No passwords mean no more lock outs. For your business, that means IT no longer spends hours resolving these resetting issues. You can get back to what’s important, with one less password to worry about.

Start your password[less] journey today

Access and manage important account credentials in your LastPass vault without ever having to enter a password. Your passwordless login will prompt you to select a primary authentication method: the LastPass Authenticator, FIDO2 compatible biometrics (face and fingerprint ID), or a FIDO2 compatible hardware key (USB key) to log into the LastPass vault.

Once you’ve selected your primary authenticator, at the next log in from your trusted device, you’ll only be prompted for authentication with your selected passwordless method. Gain passwordless access to your LastPass vault today — available to all Personal and Business users -- at no additional cost.

New to LastPass? Sign up today (it’s easy!) and try passwordless for free.

Long-time LastPass user but new to passwordless? Experience password-free login.

Want your business to go passwordless? Try it for yourself, then enable it for your employees. And yes, with a new policy, you’ll be able to control which FIDO2 authenticators employees can use!