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LastPass Now Integrates With PingOne and PingFederate 

Molly AldrichPublishedMarch 22, 2022
LastPass Now Integrates With PingOne and PingFederate 
LastPass now offers two new identity provider (IdP) integrations PingOne and PingFederate, through Ping Identity Business customers with PingOne or PingFederate as their IdP can integrate with LastPass to create one entry point to their vault, simplifying access and, ultimately, eliminating the need for an additional password, easing employee login frustrations. Both integrations will allow admins to set up automated user provisioning and provide end users a seamless login experience through federation, so employees can use their PingOne or PingFederate credentials to log in to their LastPass vaults. “Organizations require secure access to the applications and services needed to keep their employees productive -- wherever they are located,” says Matt Bates, Senior Partner Alliances Manager at Ping Identity. “Having a secure and seamless access experience is paramount to ensuring users can leverage the tools and resources they need to perform their duties.” Let’s take a look at the benefits of federated login and our new integration with Ping Identity to make password management and access easier and more secure, for all.  

The benefits of federated login with LastPass

Simple for Users. Federated login integrates an identity provider into a password manager, ultimately eliminating the need for an additional master password. Federation removes the barriers of account creation and setup for end users. When setup is simple, usage and adoption of LastPass increases, enforcing proper password hygiene across your organization. Maximum security for IT. With a zero-knowledge infrastructure and proprietary multi-key master password model, LastPass’s unique cloud-based Federated Login adds additional layers of security, without adding complexity for end users. This means that neither party –LastPass nor the IdP – possesses enough information to access a user’s vault. Instead, LastPass generates a master password for a federated user, divides it into multiple parts, and stores those parts in separate locations. After successful authentication with the IdP, a user’s local device receives the password parts and combines them to recreate grant access on the user’s local device to decrypt the user’s vault. Moreover, the separate password parts alone are insufficient for unlocking the vault, significantly improving security, and decreasing risk of breaches and hacks. Bates summarizes federated login with LastPass best: “It’s simple, secure, and seamless access for users.”

LastPass and Ping Identity

Ping Identity delivers intelligent identity solutions for the enterprise, enabling companies to achieve zero trust identity-defined security and more personalized, streamlined user experiences. With the addition of PingOne and PingFederate, LastPass now integrates with all major identity providers. The partnership came naturally, according to Bates, “We saw interest from common customers requesting this integration and partnership and worked to connect our teams to understand the requirements and experience our customers needed.”  Configure LastPass with PingOne or PingFederate to automate and scale password management for your employees, save time for IT, and keep data secure. Learn more about LastPass’s unique approach to federation