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LastPass MSP Offers New Granular Access Controls

LastPassJuly 21, 2021
LastPass MSP Offers New Granular Access Controls
LastPass now offers Managed Service Providers (MSPs) new admin access controls to deliver additional oversight and visibility into admin account permissions.  As part of the LastPass MSP solution, this new feature allows MSPs to determine the appropriate levels of access to the different components in the MSP admin console for their technicians.  This new access control will allow MSPs to be able to manage which technicians have access to the MSP admin console and which technicians only have access to client LastPass accounts, or managed companies. With this release, MSPs can add their internal LastPass licenses to the MSP account, without granting holistic Admin permissions across all their technicians who are supporting LastPass clients. MSPs can configure this new admin role in the ‘Administration’ section of the ‘Policies’ page in the MSP admin console. MSPs can determine which technicians they would like to limit access to the MSP admin console by choosing to ‘Grant limited access to admin console’ selection and then indicating ‘Only allows access to Managed Companies’. For additional information on how to configure these settings, please visit here The LastPass MSP solution provides MSPs with the ability to offer, manage, and support LastPass for their clients. For more information on the LastPass MSP solution, please visit our website