Security Tips

How to Detect Spyware on Android Phone

LastPassAugust 14, 2024
How to Detect Spyware on Android Phone

Understanding Spyware on Android 

Spyware acts as a stealthy cyber-stalker. 

Hiding in the background, or masquerading as a regular app on your phone, Spyware quietly collects important and personal data, takes control of your phone or microphone, reads your texts, messages, and web search history, screens your calls, deceptively changes your permissions settings, and even tricks you into placing your user credentials into what you think is a normal service, only to steal them and access the service acting as you. 

A malicious actor’s dream, spyware infections can be costly, embarrassing, and severely damaging, making it hard- even impossible- to come back from an attack. 

What is spyware and how does it work? 

Spyware functions covertly. The average user will often have no knowledge that anything is happening on their phone and no memory of having downloaded the application that caused their data to be exposed.  

That’s because Spyware can be found in apps that look and seem normal- calendar or note-taking apps, communication apps, yoga or fitness apps, and other types of apps that look benign. 

Spyware collects user data in the background of the phone’s normal use, and sends it to a third party. Since it usually does not appear on open application lists or taskbars, it can be very hard to detect. But every moment it operates on your device, it is collecting data, monitoring the user, and sending everything it collects to someone else. 

Why is spyware a threat to Android devices? 

Despite strides in security by Android smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, spyware remains a persistent threat. Despite the lively debate going on at dinner tables and in board rooms the world over, even iPhones, reputed for tight security, are vulnerable. 

Why? Because spyware enables malicious actors to misuse gathered information, posing significant risks. 

The good news is that spyware is often used in strategically targeted attacks– against specific individuals. The bad news is that no one with a smartphone is entirely immune. 

Read on to learn more about how to detect spyware on Android phones, ways to protect against spyware, and what to do if you think your own phone is infected with spyware.   

Common Sources of Spyware on Android 

Although cyberattacks are on the rise, a 2022 World Education Forum Global Risks Report found that 95% of problems with cybersecurity could be traced back to one thing: Human error. 

Let’s dive into some facts about spyware and Android devices that tell us why, starting with information about malicious applications.   

Malicious apps 

Malicious apps are exactly what they sound like: software applications with a malevolent nature and purpose. They are the number one cause of spyware. Most frequently, these are downloaded from outside the Google Play Store, which acts as a filter to dramatically reduce malicious apps from entering the user’s system.  

Just as Apple maintains the App Store for iPhone and iPad users, Google’s maintenance of the Google Play Store ensures that applications are safe and trusted before they are installed on an Android user’s device– as often as possible.  

Do malicious apps slip by in either app store? Yes, and both Google and cybersecurity researchers are working hard to mitigate this concern.  


Phishing is a common method of attack. CISCO data from a 2021 Cybersecurity Threat Trends Report shows phishing attacks caused the majority of cybersecurity incidents and were the source of over 90% of attacks.  

In Phishing, cyber criminals convince the victim to download malicious code, usually through email. In the case of an Android user, the user would click a link in their email to download what they thought was information or an application they needed, and instead install malicious code.  

Other types of phishing go by different names and utilize voice mail or text messages to achieve the same end. While phishing is not a required means of installing spyware and there are other ways to do it, it is the most common method.  


Stalkerware is an openly available and easy-to-purchase type of surveillance software designed to follow and observe a user’s behavior and record private information. This type of software allows a third party to track an individual’s GPS location, calls, texts, messaging, web-browsing, and even microphone and camera. It can also screen-record activity.  

Stalkerware is unfortunately common and is used by those who want to keep tabs on family members, some with nefarious reasons for doing so. It has a history of frequent use by persons with a history of domestic violence and is a regular guest in the evidence log at Family Court. Stalkerware gives the target no freedom and no decision-making power without surveillance. 

It is commercially available. 

Signs of Spyware on Your Android Phone 

Wondering how to find hidden tracking apps on Android?  

Let’s start by looking at the signs. Although spyware is designed to look as if a phone is operating normally, there are indicators to look for that can help detect spyware on Android phones.  

Unusual battery drainage or overheating 

The first sign to observe is overheating or unusual battery drainage. While this can have natural causes such as too much sun or heat near a device, or even a very busy application, it can also be a symptom to look for when wondering how to detect spyware on Android phones. 

Excessive data usage without apparent cause 

Another simple sign to look for is excessive data usage without an apparent cause.  
Android phone settings can help identify a problem.  Checking system settings can help to show where, how, and why data is moving. This should indicate normal use and show recently used applications in a context that makes sense. If data usage doesn’t make sense… it’s time to look deeper.  

Unfamiliar apps or icons appearing on your device 

Last, look for unfamiliar apps or icons appearing on your device. You may also find an app that looks very similar to another app you use but isn't quite the same. Any of these can be a sign of spyware infection.  

Look at unfamiliar app behavior, as well.  

For example- does your phone camera or mic constantly turn on? Do you hear noises when on a call, or an echo? Are you suddenly getting unusual messages, pop-ups, or texts? 

These are classic signs of spyware infection. 

How to Detect Spyware on Android 

In determining how to detect spyware on Android phone, it’s important to take a few simple first steps. First, perform a manual device scan. Then use specialized spyware detection apps, and check settings and permissions for unusual app behavior.  

Performing a manual device scan 

A scan can help assess the overall security posture. Scans grant insight into user behavior and security or device performance issues that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.  

To perform a manual scan, use an updated Android device connected to a Google account.  

Open the Google Play App Store and tap on the profile, where a popup should appear allowing you to select: Play Protect. Tap that. From inside Play Protect, you’ll be able to scan your Android device, going through each application you have downloaded.  Play Protect will then return the results of the scan and take care of any concerns. 

Using specialized spyware detection apps 

It is also possible to use specialized spyware detection apps.  

First, the choice to use a mobile anti-virus is always a good one. These products not only protect and defend against malicious software but are highly likely to detect malware and help a user recover quickly. Anti-spyware tools are also defensive, improving a device’s security posture from the start. Both free and paid options are available and both options provide helpful scans. A good practice is to regularly read reviews, learning the pros and cons of each.  Using specialized spyware detection apps provides an additional layer of protection, but this is a foundational practice for Android phone security, especially when determining how to detect spyware on Android phone and remove it. 

Checking for suspicious permissions or app behavior 

Always visit the permissions setting when downloading a new application and observe the new application’s behavior using scans and settings related to data usage. This provides a measure of defense, because malicious apps will often hide signs of their activity, making them hard to detect, or hide behind normal signs of activity. 

Checking for suspicious permissions (permissions that don’t make sense in context) and odd app behavior is an important part of the process of detecting and removing spyware.  

Removing Spyware from Your Android Phone 

Although relatively rare if you practice good password hygiene and make smart security decisions, it is possible to encounter Spyware on your Android phone. When this happens, don’t panic. Take the steps below to ensure your phone’s security.  

Uninstalling suspicious or unwanted apps 

Start by uninstalling any suspicious, unrecognized, or unwanted apps. Don’t keep the apps you rarely use, as that increases the potential attack surface. Instead, uninstall each one by holding your finger over the app, and choosing “uninstall” from the menu options.  

Resetting your device to factory settings 

If all else fails, resetting your device to factory settings is a viable option to remove any spyware that may have inadvertently been installed. Sometimes, it’s the only option. 

Ensuring regular backups goes hand in hand with the question of whether to do a factory reset or not. Backing up should be a practice you already have in place, made easier by automatic backups to the cloud. However, you choose to do it, keep a backup schedule, and never skip a backup. 

This step is crucial in learning how to detect viruses and spyware on Android phones. 

Since viruses live inside malicious files and apps on your phone, the best way to ensure they are gone may be a factory reset if all else fails, keeping in mind that a factory reset does not always mean a virus has been wiped.  

Regularly updating your device's software 

As technology evolves and the threatscape changes, patches are often issues to assist with recognized cybersecurity concerns. Stay safe by ensuring your device’s software is regularly updated and that updates are not missed. 

Preventing Spyware Infections on Android 

Malicious actors are not going to stop, and technology isn’t going to stand still.  

When trying to determine how to detect spyware on Android phone, it’s important to understand that the same adage goes for cybersecurity as the one we grew up hearing about our health: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  

In other words, it’s easier to prevent something from starting in the first place than it is to stop something that has already begun. Remembering this when attempting to prevent spyware infections on Android may be the difference between carefree phone use and having to hire an expert. 

Installing a reputable antivirus and anti-spyware app 

These days, experts are everywhere and easily accessible. Not only is the internet full of helpful information, but as the saying goes no matter what the problem: “There’s an app for that.”  

You don’t have to be a cybersecurity expert to know that a quality antivirus and anti-spyware app can run scans to help ensure your security, but you do have to want to take the time required for the scan. A mobile app designed to keep spyware away is a great step towards safer phone use.  

Being cautious when downloading apps or files 

Remain cautious when downloading files or applications. In a flash, a thoughtlessly downloaded application could become the worst experience of your life.  

Use the official Google Play Store when purchasing or downloading apps on your Android device, and make sure every file that is downloaded runs through your antivirus and anti-spyware app, just as you would on a desktop.  

Keeping your device's software up to date 

Run regular tests to check on data usage statistics in your phone, frequently check recently used apps lists as well as permissions, make a habit of great password hygiene, and make sure to keep your device’s software up to date, including any security patches recommended for your device.  

Together, these steps create an easy plan to implement and follow, one that can help you prevent malicious apps and files from finding a home in your Android device in the first place and know what to do if spyware is found or suspected.  

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