LastPass For Admins

4 Ways Admins Should be Using LastPass but Probably Aren’t

LastPassFebruary 16, 2018
4 Ways Admins Should be Using LastPass but Probably Aren’t
Last month I wrote a post that highlighted ways end users could improve how they use LastPass. But what about admins who manage LastPass for their business? This week I am featuring functionality that can help admins improve the security of their business and make their jobs easier.

Use the security report

The Security Report is a summary of user statuses that allow you to monitor the health of employee password use. These statuses include such criteria as ‘inactive user’, ‘over 3 duplicate passwords’ and ‘over 5 weak passwords’.  You can also add notifications that will alert you to certain conditions/behavior. The goal of this report is to help optimize the use of LastPass among your end users to help improve the security of your company.

Customize admin roles

The helpdesk admin role is customizable, so you can choose the appropriate level of access for IT helpdesk staff in your organization. For example, designate the helpdesk admin role to IT team members that handle day-to-day internal support tickets on passwords, without giving them access to all of the privileged information in your LastPass Enterprise account. Or, select key team members to be admins so they can set security policies and provision new users as needed.

Encourage users to link their personal accounts

It’s important that employees use LastPass for their personal and company accounts. Think about how many personal sites employees visit on their work computers. Your company could be at risk if they are using reused and weak passwords – even for personal accounts. Educate employees on the value and ease of linking their personal and company LastPass accounts. Once linked, employees can manage their personal and company accounts from the same place but their accounts technically stay separate. Users have complete control over their personal data while admins can still protect company passwords and ensure employees don’t walk away with access.

Quickly reset passwords

When employees come to you panicked that they forgot their Master Password – don’t worry! First, just assign which users you’d like to be Super Admins, giving them the permission to reset Master Passwords. Then, when a user comes to them, they can reset the password in a few simple steps. Instructions can be found here. That’s all the tips for now. If you’re an admin, what are some of your favorite lesser-known features?