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LastPass Is Now ISO 27001 Certified 

Jessica PagonisPublishedJuly 27, 2022
LastPass Is Now ISO 27001 Certified 

Exciting news! LastPass is now ISO 27001 certified, a standard that deals with information security management.  

By being ISO 27001 certified, LastPass is committed to providing detailed documentation, management responsibility, internal audits, continual improvement and corrective and preventive actions across the entire organization to deliver an outstanding cybersecurity platform to our customers.  

What is ISO certification?  

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental, international body that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems.  

With 24,375 standards and 167 countries represented, it is a hallmark of excellence and innovation for those who carry its certification. 

LastPass and its ISO 27001 certification 

ISO 27001 provides a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an information security management system. 

To become ISO certified, LastPass improved some of its processes, like enforcing and documenting testing efforts during the change management flow and forming its own disaster recovery strategy with an annual fail over testing. 

ISO 27001 is invaluable for monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving a company’s information security management system and gives partner organizations and customers greater confidence in their interactions with LastPass.  

Learn more about this important milestone for LastPass here.  

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