When you get started with LastPass, the first thing you do is create an account. After that, you'll install the LastPass browser extension. But you may be wondering: What exactly is a browser extension? And why do I need to install it? How will my experience be better with the LastPass browser extension? And how can I make sure that I'm safely using the LastPass browser extension or any extension for that matter?

A browser what?
A browser extension is what we call software that runs in a browser. It modifies your browsing experience by enhancing existing browser features or offering features that aren't otherwise available in your browser. Extensions have been around for a while and have exploded in popularity in recent years. For example, the browser Google Chrome now offers over 100,000 extensions!How an extension works
Installing an extension is usually quick and easy. Whether it's an extension developed by the company that makes the browser or third-party software, you're usually directed to the browser app store to download an extension. Once there, it's a few simple clicks to install. Sometimes you'll need to grant the extension special browser privileges. Once downloaded, the extension will appear as a small icon at the top of your browser in the toolbar. Clicking the icon will allow you to open a menu to use the extension's features and settings.The benefits of an extension
So why would you want an extension? Well, first, there are a lot of different types of extensions. Some of them are very simple - like changing the "theme" of your browser with different colors, graphics, and fonts. Others provide easy and expanded access to software the browser developers offer, like Docs and Sheets in Chrome. Others provide security benefits by modifying your experience, like blocking ads or malvertising. Finally, some extensions, like LastPass, are the primary way software benefits you as you browse. The LastPass browser extension is what powers LastPass' most valuable features. For example, the extension allows LastPass to "see" when you need to save a password or when you've returned to a website and want to fill in your credentials to log in again. It can also "see" when you need to generate a new password, enter your address, or submit a credit card. The LastPass browser extension gives LastPass the ability to anticipate the information you need to store and use so that it can blend seamlessly with your browsing experience and make password security that much easier. Compared to your browser's password manager, the LastPass browser extension offers better protection of your data and more features, like Dark Web Monitoring and Emergency Access.Using the LastPass browser extension
No matter which browser you use, you can download the LastPass browser extension instantly. Once installed, you'll see the LastPass logo on a small icon in your browser toolbar. Clicking that icon will allow you to log in to your LastPass account. Once logged in, the icon will usually change color (from gray to red) and unlock all LastPass features and settings. Then, as you browse and log into websites, the extension will prompt you to save passwords to your LastPass vault, generate new passwords (and then save them), fill forms, and more. If you ever want to open your vault, click the LastPass browser extension and select "Open my vault." Once the vault launches, you can search, view, edit, add, and organize your stored data. In short, the extension not only powers LastPass's features as you browse, but it also gives you quick, convenient access to everything you store in LastPass, as well as any settings you may want to change.How to safely use browser extensions
Like anything you do on the web, it's essential to be mindful of cyber security best practices when downloading and using extensions. Tips to stay safe when enjoying the benefits of browser extensions include:- Downloading trusted extensions directly from the app store. Always search for an extension in the browser's app store rather than downloading from a third-party site. Check the "owner" of the extension - is it the brand or company you would expect? If not, someone may be posing as them with a malicious extension. Are there plenty of downloads and reviews? Take the time to verify that an extension is from a reputable provider and that someone isn't impersonating that software provider in the app store.
- Reviewing permissions before installing. Browsers typically offer blanket statements when an extension requires additional permissions. Of course, needing extra permissions isn't always a problem. Still, you'll want to review why exactly the app needs them and decide if you're comfortable with that level of access to your browsing activity, cookies, or other data.
- Periodically removing extensions you aren't using. Sometimes you unknowingly install an extension, whether benign or malicious. Or, maybe you no longer use a service. Go through your extensions and remove those you're no longer using or don't remember installing.
- Following cybersecurity basics. The LastPass browser extension will help you make strong, unique passwords for all of your web accounts. Also, turn on two-factor authentication for as many accounts as possible, including LastPass, online banking, social media, email, and any other account containing financial, medical, or personally identifiable information. Finally, don't click on suspicious links, don't open attachments that you weren't expecting, change passwords when a software company has suffered a data breach, and keep an eye out for suspicious account activities.