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DIY with our Custom Secure Note Templates

Amber SteelJuly 15, 2016
DIY with our Custom Secure Note Templates
Today we’re introducing a new way to customize your LastPass experience: Custom Secure Notes templates! Now you can create your own custom templates in Secure Notes, with several types of fields that you can organize any way you need, with as many or as little fields as you want. Secure Notes have long been a convenient way to store all the odds and ends of your daily life, online and off. Credit card numbers, driver’s licenses and insurance IDs, not to mention a copy of your passport or Wi-Fi passcodes. Any piece of information you carry with you in a wallet, in your purse, or scribbled on a sticky note can be backed up and secured with Secure Notes in your LastPass vault. In the workplace, you may use Secure Notes to store SSH keys, database logins, server logins, and more. Now you can go beyond the pre-made templates we offer for Secure Notes and add your own Secure Note templates - the possibilities are endless.

How to create a new template

Adding a new template is fast and easy. First, open your LastPass Vault, and in the Secure Notes tab you can click the add button to Add Secure Note. In the “Note Type” dropdown, scroll to select the “Add Custom Template” option. Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 9.09.20 AMAs an example, let’s create a template for remote access information, that an I.T. professional might use for working on machines remotely. We’ll name the template “Remote Access”, and start adding fields. Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 9.09.25 AM There are several different field types to select from: Text, Text with copy button, Month / day / year, Month / year, Password, and Notes. As you add the fields, you can name each field. Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 9.09.32 AM In our Remote Access example, we’ll add fields for Service Name, Machine Name, Machine ID, IP address, Username, Password, and Notes. Next to each field you’ll see a preview of how the field will appear in the template. Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 9.28.43 AM Once we’ve added all the fields we need for this particular template, we’ll save the new template. Now “Remote Access” shows as an available “note type”, and we can select it when creating a new Secure Note. Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 9.28.57 AMNote: Currently templates can only be added on desktop browser clients; the LastPass mobile apps, the Mac App, and LastApp do not currently support adding custom templates. However, once a template is created, Secure Notes can be created with that template on any client. Currently, custom templates also cannot be edited or deleted once you create them.

Ideas for new templates

There’s so much you can do with the new custom Secure Notes templates. Here are just a few ideas of how businesses and personal users may want to use them:
Client: IP address, Gateway, Subnet, DNS Servers, Available IP Range, Taken IPsGaming Account: Name, Username, Password, Security Code, Notes
Network User: Name, Username, Password, Group, RSA PIN Number, Voicemail PIN Number, Laptop Lock CodeComputer: Device Name, Model Number, Username, Password
Firewall or Router: Name, IP address, Username, Password, NotesPrescription: Medicine, Dose, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Address, Pharmacy Phone Number, Date of Refill, Prescribing Doctor
Emergency Contact: Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, and NotesRecovery Code: Service Name, Code, Email Address, Phone Number
API Key: API Key, API token, creation date, expiration dateSecurity Question: Question 1, Answer 1, Question 2, Answer 2, etc
The possibilities are endless! What Secure Note templates will you be adding?