Industry News

Thank an IT Professional Today

LastPassSeptember 17, 2024
Thank an IT Professional Today

National IT Professionals Day is on the third Tuesday of September every year. This year, we encourage you all to take time to celebrate and recognize the technical experts that ensure our operating systems run smoothly.

Crunchr, a long term LastPass Customer, enables organizations globally to gather meaningful insights into workforce operations. Based in Amsterdam, they help businesses create a healthy working environment through equipping leadership with data that can predict trends and mitigate employee churn.

Jan Joris Vereijken, Chief Technology Officer at Crunchr is one of the technical experts that we celebrate for their dedication towards keeping computer systems running smoothly within his organization. Although the impact of IT Professionals cannot be quantified, here are three reasons why IT Professionals are key to the success of your business.

They keep you safe.

IT professionals remain dedicated to ensuring your experience with computers is secure and safe. At Crunchr, Vereijken recognized the risks associated with poor password hygiene after his personal Twitter account was compromised. Crunchr invested in LastPass to improve staff’s credentials and enforce policies that ensure their passwords are a minimum of 12 characters long and contain letters, numbers, and special characters.

By creating unique passwords through the LastPass Password Generator for each application, employees are able to remain vigilant against phishing attacks and mitigate their potential impact. Vereijken adds: “I’ve learned that it’s vital to have a unique password for each account, it’s become a rule for all employees across the business.”

They streamline your experience.

A lot of work goes into integrating systems in order to deliver users with an optimal experience, including embedding single sign-on, activating federated user integration, and replenishing key credentials.

At Crunchr, the team operates with over 60 different cloud-based solutions ranging from Bitbucket, Google Workspace, and Hubspot. They use LastPass to ensure each staff member has an accessible repository of passwords that they can leverage with ease via their vault or embedded browser extension.

Password sharing is used to streamline accessibility across the team since there are limited logins to a platform that various members of a team require access to

Through shared folders, they can also manage accounts and ensure credentials are updated routinely so leaving employees are unable to retain access.

Verejiken highlights: “We had someone leave the finance team recently, the first thing I did was modify the credentials. If the team is following our guidelines and accessing the passwords through shared folders, they wouldn’t even realize that any changes have been made.”

They troubleshoot on your behalf.

A company’s IT professional is the ultimate employee advocate, they’re committed to ensuring the technology deployed across the team delivers ease of use and enables individuals to focus on their respective roles.

With each investment they make, from multi-factor authentication providers to password management tools, IT professionals must consider the employee experience and how these solutions will bring value to individual contributors, all while supporting the wider organization.

Accessibility and user-friendliness are key to attaining adoption across an organization and play an instrumental role in the decision-making process within the IT buyer journey.

When it was time for Crunchr to evaluate a password management solution, Verejiken notes LastPass’s ability to be utilized across multiple devices as a key driver for Crunchr’s investment.

The Crunchr team operates in a hybrid format, with 60% of the organization working remotely. They utilize a varied range of tech across the business and wanted a solution that could be accessed on Apple IOS and Microsoft Windows.

Verejiken notes: “The ability to be accessed across varied operating systems was important for me. I wanted to make it an easy deployment for the team and have the password vaults readily available to them at any time, from any location. LastPass remains accessible across multiple platforms without compromising its user experience, which made it perfect for us.”

These are just some of the ways IT professionals enable your organization to thrive, we encourage you all to take a moment to celebrate their impact and give them the recognition they deserve. Thank an IT professional today!