Industry News

LastPass Investing Even More in Your Password Security in 2022

LastPassPublishedDecember 14, 2021
LastPass Investing Even More in Your Password Security in 2022
A new era for LastPass is about to begin. Today, we’re excited to announce our intent to establish LastPass as an independent company As new accounts and applications have been on the rise over the last 18 months, there has been a clear and rising need for password security. As the leading password manager for individuals and businesses, this change allows us to strategically increase focus, investment, and support in LastPass to be able to solve your password problems faster and in even more innovative ways.  As customers, you’ll start to see us deliver an enhanced LastPass, on an accelerated timeline. We are working on faster, seamless save and fill, a delightful mobile experience, and even more third-party integrations for businesses, among many other updates. We are expanding our support channels so we can answer your questions faster, right when you need them, and you’ll be welcomed by a new look and feel on our website. We are investing directly in areas that customers like you have told us are most important. I couldn’t be more excited about this change for LastPass. This is the ideal time for the company to seize new opportunities as its own organization.  Don’t worry – there are no changes to your account or data in your vault. This is the same great product, now with even more focus on keeping your data safe.

The History of LastPass & LogMeIn

LastPass has had quite a journey in the 13 years since its founding in 2008 -- a journey I’ve been lucky enough to be part of since 2015, when LogMeIn acquired LastPass, a small startup with 30 employees in northern Virginia. In the last six years, I’m proud of the dedication, rigor, and innovation our teams have put into LastPass. This is something I hope you feel as well, as someone who uses LastPass daily to get access to your work, your streaming sites, your bank, and maybe even your vaccine card. LastPass isn’t just software or an app on your phone; it’s how we (myself included!) keep ourselves and our businesses organized, productive, and secure.  Here’s a look at a few of my favorite LastPass moments over the last six years:  
  • Launched LastPass Authenticator (March 2016): Given where we are now with cyberattacks and the need to add layers of security, the decision to develop our own authenticator app could not have been more critical – and now, it’s a simple, free way that more than 2M people use to boost their security. 
  • Autofill on Android (March 2018) and iOS (September 2018) – This is one of my favorite moments. Our product and business development teams collaborated with Google and Apple to solve a huge hurdle for users – saving and filling of passwords on their mobile phones. This support was an important step forward in making it easy to have better password hygiene for all users, at any time. 
  • Entered the Identity market with SSO & MFA (July 2019) – After more than 10 years of selling to businesses, we continued to hear a need for an all-around identity solution from small companies. Nothing complex or expensive, just the need to keep every access point secured, which is what we did with the launch of SSO and MFA in 2019. 
  • Introduced dark web monitoring (August 2020) -- During a year where everyone spent more time online than ever before, keeping your personal information safe had never been more important, and that continues to be true today. Dark web monitoring allows our personal and business users to keep an eye on potential threats with automated alerts that tell you if your personal information is believed to have been compromised.
  • Families as a Benefit for all businesses (July 2021) – Earlier this year, we made the change to include Families accounts for every employee using LastPass Business. This is something that became essential throughout the pandemic when the need for new online logins (and passwords) were on the rise, employees needed a way to separate their personal and work lives, and businesses needed to keep their company data safe. This was a simple solution, and we’re excited to get more families using LastPass. 

Thank You, LastPass Community 

This has been a journey for us at LastPass and LogMeIn, but also for you as our customers. For those of you who have been with us all along, we thank you for your continued support and passion for LastPass. For those of you who are newer, thanks for being here and we can’t wait to show you what’s next.   
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