
Introducing LastPass Support for OpenYOLO

LastPassNovember 02, 2017
Introducing LastPass Support for OpenYOLO
Last year Google introduced their OpenYOLO API that makes it easier for developers to create apps that automatically fill credentials with password managers like LastPass. For users like you, this means passwords on mobile apps get a whole lot easier, and today we’re pleased to announce that LastPass now supports OpenYOLO for Android. The OpenYOLO API (short for “you only login once”) allows apps to fill login credentials automatically, and to save newly created accounts to the password manager of choice. Eventually this initiative will be browser and device-agnostic, but Google is starting with Android devices. They're also working on an update to the SmartLock for Passwords API that is compatible with OpenYOLO so that apps already integrated with SmartLock with work with OpenYOLO, and therefore with LastPass. The result? Simple access to even more of your mobile apps.

Making LastPass Easier for You

While an API seems meaningless to most of our community (unless you’re an app developer!), OpenYOLO is something that app companies and their development teams can choose to leverage and integrate with the client portion of the API to support password filling & saving when they develop their own app. For example, in the coming months you may see updated versions of your favorite apps where you can easily save and fill your username and password. LastPass for Android already has an easy and quick login process for Android apps, which OpenYOLO will make even better. In addition, the process of saving new sites in LastPass will be much less cumbersome with apps using OpenYOLO going forward. Password managers like LastPass not only secure your online credentials, but also make it easier to access and store your many passwords. However, easy access on mobile apps has traditionally been a pain point for users. OpenYOLO strives to eliminate that pain and make it as seamless to use a password manager on your mobile device as it is on your browser. Our work with Google on OpenYOLO is just one of the many ways that we’re working to make it simple and seamless to access and manage your passwords, without compromising on security. The OpenYOLO documentation is now available for developers on GitHub’s OpenYOLO-Android thread.