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Enhanced Reporting Features for LastPass Enterprise Admins

Amber SteelFebruary 06, 2017
Enhanced Reporting Features for LastPass Enterprise Admins
When it comes to password security, part of the challenge for businesses is maintaining accountability and trackability. Even if your business has a written password policy, there is often very little technology in place to ensure the policy is being followed by all employees, across all websites and apps they use during the workday. And if employees are sharing access to accounts, especially privileged accounts, accountability and compliance becomes even more challenging. When you’re working hard to secure all areas of your business, weak or misused passwords that fly under the radar can directly undermine all the security measures you’ve put in place. Today, we’re introducing an update to the Reports feature in the LastPass Enterprise admin dashboard. The updated design and new reporting options allow admins to more accurately measure employee password behavior and maintain a detailed audit trail of activity across the whole organization. The reports are more usable and more actionable, and will help admins spot issues earlier, before they become a problem. Admins will be seeing the update rolling out over the next few days.

New design with improved workflow

As a LastPass Enterprise admin, the first thing you’ll notice when you launch the admin dashboard and open the “Reports” tab is the updated design. In keeping with the new interface we introduced at the end of 2016 with the release of Enterprise 4.0 and LastPass Teams, the updated Reports tab has a new look and feel that offers an improved user experience. Admins can more easily set custom date ranges and select the filters to read reports for shared credentials, user login activity, admin activity, and more. Just click on a specific item in an activity log to open a right-hand drawer, where you can view more detailed information about that particular event.

Introducing the security report

We’ve also added a new security report, which draws data previously buried in the “notifications” tab of the admin dashboard. Previously, notifications allowed admins to customize security email alerts to employees who were failing to meet specific security requirements, like turning on multifactor authentication or having too many duplicate passwords in their vault. Now, while the emails themselves still live in the notifications tab, the new security report allows admins to see a condensed report of all users who are failing to meet requirements. The report shows how many users are affected for each area of concern, and the percentage of the total user base that has been flagged. This allows admins to quickly see, in one place, every outstanding issue that would trigger an email alert so they can take action to correct those behaviors. Admins can click on any item in the security report that has one or more affected users. The corresponding list of users will open in the right-hand drawer. The list can be exported, and allows admins to directly contact those users and work with them to address the security concerns. The security report is critical to businesses who not only are implementing LastPass as a core part of their password security strategy, but who also want to measure and enforce that policy across the organization. By being able to identify specific areas of concern and the users who are falling below requirements, admins can more quickly spot potential issues and better protect their business from threats.

Updated login reports

We’ve also added a new login report, with a graphic and activity log showing admins the last 7 days of activity for all users in the Enterprise account. This is helpful for admins to see, at a glance, if users are successfully adopting LastPass. In addition, we’ve recently added integration with Splunk, so IT teams can collect relevant LastPass data and manage LastPass reports in Splunk Cloud.

The new LastPass Enterprise

Log in to the LastPass Enterprise admin dashboard today to start exploring our updates to the Reports tab. Over the coming months, we’ll be rolling out even more improvements to the LastPass Enterprise admin dashboard as we update the design and introduce new features. Need a password manager for your business? Learn more here about how we’re helping over 27,000 businesses worldwide.