Tips And Tricks

How to Convince Your Family to Try LastPass 

June 21, 2019
So, you’re an avid LastPass user. Your passwords are all unique and you've got multifactor authentication turned on for dozens of your accounts. You know how valuable a password manager is for protecting your personal information and hard-earned money. There's just one problem. You have a family that isn't on board (yet). Maybe they’re not the most tech-savvy or have little interest in password security. How can you help get your family members using and loving LastPass? Don’t panic! Here’s what we recommend for getting them on board with a password manager:

1. Know your audience.

Understand the psychology before you have a conversation. No one likes to hear they’re doing something wrong. You know a password manager is best, but your family doesn’t (yet) see it that way. Take a step back and understand where they’re coming fromso you can be helpful and empathetic when you start the conversation.

2. Listen to their concerns. 

Change is scary. And when it comes to technology, we want things to be as easy as possible. Listen to your family and ask open questions. Let them voice their concerns, write down everything they’re saying, and don’t respond right away. Just listen and think through what they’re sharing.

3. Explain the end game. 

When you respond to their concerns, make it personal. Share stories about how your password manager makes your life easiersaves you time and helps you avoid problems. Avoid using scare tactics – just be realistic about the benefits they can expect!

4. Share educational materials. 

They don’t have to take your word for it! Password managers are strongly recommended by industry experts and tech enthusiasts. Share relevant articles that they’ll trustRecommend podcasts like Graham Cluley’s Smashing Security. 

5. Give a demo.

Show how a password manager works. Explain how you log in to your account, how it saves and fills your passwords and how you generate new passwords quickly. Explain cool features like Face ID support for iOS or autofill on Android. Once they see the password manager in action, the benefits will be more real.

6. Share real-world stories. 

Millions of people around the world have discovered the benefits of a password manager. Hearing other people’s experiences and enthusiasm for a password manager may inspire your family to take the leap, too.

7. Volunteer to set it up. 

Sometimes, we just need a helping hand. If your family is struggling to get started, set aside time to walk them through setting up their account, downloading the app and storing credentials. Answer their questions – and be patient!

8. Start with the basics. 

Just start with account setup and saving passwords. Once they’ve mastered saving and filling passwords, show them how to generate new passwordsRun the Security Challenge so they can see how they’re doing – and where there’s room for improvement. Then, help them start replacing old passwords with stronger ones. 

9. Make it a challenge. 

Who doesn’t love a little healthy competition? Make it a family contest to see who can get their Security Challenge score the highest. Or, aim for most improved! Offer a fun family reward like a trip to the movies or a special treat. Then set the date and see how everyone does.

10. Nothing’s working? Go rogue. 

No one likes to be the bad guy, but if nothing has worked so far, it’s time to get drastic. Consider changing your Wi-Fi password at your house. Then add it to your LastPass vault as a shared item that they can access when they log in to their vaults. You may be unpopular, but you’ll see some action! Once you’ve convinced your family to take the plunge, start your free trial of LastPass Families. Families that use LastPass together, stay safe together! Have you had luck getting your family on board with LastPass? Share your experiences in the comments below!